Ramjas School, Pusa Road is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education and follows the CBSE curriculum. Students are prepared for the All-India Secondary School Exams (Class X) and the All-India Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (Class XII). The school curriculum is all inclusive and structured to prepare the students for emerging trends and technological innovations in the education system.
The school offers the following subjects:
Classes VI -VIII
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Science
- Hindi
- Computer Science
- Sanskrit/Spanish
- Art/Music/Dance
- Sports
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Classes IX -X
Class IX:
- English (Language & Literature)
- Hindi Course B/Spanish/Sanskrit
- Science
- Social Science
- Information Technology
- Mathematics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Sports
- Art/Dance/Music is also offered to the students
Classes XI -XII
The school offers three streams:
- Science
- Commerce
- Humanities
Class X:
- English (Language & Literature)
- Hindi Course B/Spanish/Sanskrit
- Science
- Social Science
- Information Technology
- Mathematics
The students have a wide spectrum of subjects to choose from.
The subjects offered are:
- English Core
- Mathematics/Applied Maths
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Computer Science
- Informatics Practices
- Economics
- Business Studies
- Accountancy
- History
- Sociology
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Painting
- Entrepreneurship
"To teach one to think intensively, and to think critically. Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education."